Who performs your laser tattoo treatments is essential for getting the best results and for your safety. A recent paper published in Dermatology Times reported a high dissatisfaction rate as well as a high complication rate amongst individuals who saw non-physicians for laser tattoo removal. Dr. Bradley Bodner has been performing laser procedures for 15 years and has personally performed thousands of medical laser procedures. He is highly experienced with laser tattoo removal. He personally performs all laser procedures at Bod Medical. Dr. Bodner also does your consultation. This is very different than many offices where a sales person does your consultation. A sales person is obviously focused on sales. Dr. Bodner is focused on being honest, giving you appropriate expectations, and won’t treat you if he feels you are not a good candidate.
Fortunately, with all the technology Dr. Bodner has available, he is able to treat the vast majority of individuals interested in treatment. Dr. Bodner feels very strongly that laser tattoo removal should only be performed by physicians, and only by experienced physicians! Don’t waste your money and put yourself in harm’s way by having a non-physician or inexperienced physician treat you. Ask your technician what their credentials are and how many laser tattoo treatments they have performed.